TO MERGE/code/chapter/02_stationarity_autocorrelation.R

## @knitr GSPC
# Load package

# Download S&P index
getSymbols("^GSPC", from="1990-01-01", to = Sys.Date())

# Compute returns
GSPC.ret = ClCl(GSPC)

# Plot index level and returns
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(GSPC, main = " ", ylab = "Index level")
plot(GSPC.ret, main = " ", ylab = "Daily returns")

## @knitr GSPCacf
sp500 = na.omit(GSPC.ret)
names(sp500) = paste("S&P 500 (1990-01-01 - ",Sys.Date(),")", sep = "")

## @knitr XtYt

# Simulate Xt
model = AR1(phi = 0.5, sigma2 = 1)
Xt = gen_gts(1000, model)

# Construct Yt
epsilon = 0.01
nb_outlier = rbinom(1,length(Xt),epsilon)
Yt = Xt
Yt[sample(1:length(Xt),nb_outlier)] = rnorm(nb_outlier,0,10)

# Add names
Xt = gts(Xt)
Yt = gts(Yt, name = paste("(",expression(Y[t]),")",sep = ""))

# Plot data
a = autoplot(Xt) + ylim(range(Yt)) + ylab("(Xt)")
b = autoplot(Yt) + ylab("(Yt)")
grid.arrange(a, b, nrow = 2)

## @knitr GSPCracf
# Construct gts objects
sp500c = gts(sp500, name = 'Non-robust Estimator')
sp500r = gts(sp500, name = 'Robust Estimator')

# Plot data
a = plot(ACF(sp500c))
inter = ACF(sp500r)
inter[,,] = robacf(sp500r, plot=FALSE)$acf
b = plot(inter)
grid.arrange(a, b, nrow = 1)

## @knitr hydro_ACF

# Load packages

# Load data
data("hydro", package = "smacdata")

# Construct gts objects
hydro1 = gts(hydro, name = 'Non-robust Estimator')
hydro2 = gts(hydro, name = 'Robust Estimator')

# Plot data
a = plot(ACF(hydro1))
inter = ACF(hydro2)
inter[,,] = robacf(hydro2, plot=FALSE)$acf
b = plot(inter)
grid.arrange(a, b, nrow = 1)

## @knitr simulationRobust

# Define sample size
n = 100

# Define proportion of "extreme" observation
alpha = 0.05

# Extreme observation are generated from N(0,sigma2.cont)
sigma2.cont = 10

# Number of Monte-Carlo replications
B = 1000

# Define model AR(1)
phi = 0.5
sigma2 = 1
model = AR1(phi = phi, sigma2 = sigma2)

# Initialization of result array
result = array(NA, c(B,2,20))

# Set seed for reproducibility

# Start Monte-Carlo
for (i in seq_len(B)){
  # Simulate AR(1)
  Xt = gen_gts(n, model)
  # Create a copy of Xt
  Yt = Xt
  # Add a proportion alpha of extreme observations to Yt
  Yt[sample(1:n,round(alpha*n))] = rnorm(round(alpha*n), 0, sigma2.cont)
  # Compute ACF of Xt and Yt
  acf_Xt = ACF(Xt)
  acf_Yt = ACF(Yt)
  # Store ACFs
  result[i,1,] = acf_Xt[1:20]
  result[i,2,] = acf_Yt[1:20]

# Compare empirical distribution of ACF based on Xt and Yt

# Vector of lags considered (h <= 20)
lags = c(1,2,5,10) + 1

# Make graph
par(mfrow = c(2,2))

for (i in seq_along(lags)){
  boxplot(result[,1,lags[i]], result[,2,lags[i]], col = "lightgrey",
          names = c("Uncont.","Cont."), main = paste("lag: h = ", lags[i]-1),
          ylab = "Sample autocorrelation")
  abline(h = phi^(lags[i]-1), col = 2, lwd = 2)

## @knitr simulationRobust2

# Load packages

# Define sample size
n = 100

# Define proportion of "extreme" observation
alpha = 0.05

# Extreme observation are generated from N(0,sigma2.cont)
sigma2.cont = 10

# Number of Monte-Carlo replications
B = 1000

# Define model AR(1)
phi = 0.5
sigma2 = 1
model = AR1(phi = phi, sigma2 = sigma2)

# Initialization of result array
result = array(NA, c(B,2,20))

# Set seed for reproducibility

# Start Monte-Carlo
for (i in seq_len(B)){
  # Simulate AR(1)
  Xt = gen_gts(n, model)
  # Add a proportion alpha of extreme observations to Yt
  Xt[sample(1:n,round(alpha*n))] = rnorm(round(alpha*n), 0, sigma2.cont)
  # Compute standard and robust ACF of Xt and Yt
  acf = ACF(Xt)
  rob_acf = robacf(Xt, plot=FALSE)$acf
  # Store ACFs
  result[i,1,] = acf[1:20]
  result[i,2,] = rob_acf[1:20]

# Compare empirical distribution of standard and robust ACF based on Xt

# Vector of lags considered (h <= 20)
lags = c(1,2,5,10) + 1

# Make graph
par(mfrow = c(2,2))

for (i in seq_along(lags)){
  boxplot(result[,1,lags[i]], result[,2,lags[i]], col = "lightgrey",
          names = c("Standard","Robust"), main = paste("lag: h = ", lags[i]-1),
          ylab = "Sample autocorrelation")
  abline(h = phi^(lags[i]-1), col = 2, lwd = 2)

## @knitr simulationRobust3

# Load packages

# Define sample size
n = 100

# Define proportion of "extreme" observation
alpha = 0

# Extreme observation are generated from N(0,sigma2.cont)
sigma2.cont = 10

# Number of Monte-Carlo replications
B = 1000

# Define model AR(1)
phi = 0.5
sigma2 = 1
model = AR1(phi = phi, sigma2 = sigma2)

# Initialization of result array
result = array(NA, c(B,2,20))

# Set seed for reproducibility

# Start Monte-Carlo
for (i in seq_len(B)){
  # Simulate AR(1)
  Xt = gen_gts(n, model)
  # Add a proportion alpha of extreme observations to Yt
  Xt[sample(1:n,round(alpha*n))] = rnorm(round(alpha*n), 0, sigma2.cont)
  # Compute standard and robust ACF of Xt and Yt
  acf = ACF(Xt)
  rob_acf = robacf(Xt, plot=FALSE)$acf
  # Store ACFs
  result[i,1,] = acf[1:20]
  result[i,2,] = rob_acf[1:20]

# Compare empirical distribution of standard and robust ACF based on Xt

# Vector of lags considered (h <= 20)
lags = c(1,2,5,10) + 1

# Make graph
par(mfrow = c(2,2))

for (i in seq_along(lags)){
  boxplot(result[,1,lags[i]], result[,2,lags[i]], col = "lightgrey",
          names = c("Standard","Robust"), main = paste("lag: h = ", lags[i]-1),
          ylab = "Sample autocorrelation")
  abline(h = phi^(lags[i]-1), col = 2, lwd = 2)

## @knitr estimXbar

# Define sample size
n = 10

# Number of Monte-Carlo replications
B = 5000

# Define grid of values for phi
phi = seq(from = 0.95, to = -0.95, length.out = 30)

# Define result matrix
result = matrix(NA,B,length(phi))

# Start simulation
for (i in seq_along(phi)){
  # Define model
  model = AR1(phi = phi[i], sigma2 = 1)
  # Monte-Carlo
  for (j in seq_len(B)){
    # Simulate AR(1)
    Xt = gen_gts(n, model)
    # Estimate Xbar
    result[j,i] = mean(Xt)

# Estimate variance of Xbar
var.Xbar = apply(result,2,var)

# Compute theoretical variance
var.theo = (n - 2*phi - n*phi^2 + 2*phi^(n+1))/(n^2*(1-phi^2)*(1-phi)^2)

# Compute (approximate) variance
var.approx = 1/(n*(1-phi)^2)

# Compare variance estimations
plot(NA, xlim = c(-1,1), ylim = range(var.approx), log = "y", 
     ylab = expression(paste("var(", bar(X), ")")),
     xlab= expression(phi), cex.lab = 1)
lines(phi,var.theo, col = "deepskyblue4")
lines(phi, var.Xbar, col = "firebrick3")
lines(phi,var.approx, col = "springgreen4")
legend("topleft",c("Theoretical variance","Bootstrap variance","Approximate variance"), 
       col = c("deepskyblue4","firebrick3","springgreen4"), lty = 1,
       bty = "n",bg = "white", box.col = "white", cex = 1.2)

## @knitr admissibility
plot(NA, xlim = c(-1.1,1.1), ylim = c(-1.1,1.1), xlab = expression(rho[1]),
     ylab = expression(rho[2]), cex.lab = 1.5)

# Adding boundary of constraint |rho_1| < 1
abline(v = c(-1,1), lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")

# Adding boundary of constraint |rho_2| < 1
abline(h = c(-1,1), lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")

# Adding boundary of non-linear constraint
rho1 = seq(from = -1, to = 1, length.out = 10^3)
rho2 = (rho1^2 - 1) + rho1^2 
lines(rho1, rho2, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")

# Adding admissible region
        border = NA, col= rgb(0,0,1, alpha = 0.1))

# Adding text
text(0,0, c("Admissible Region"))

## @knitr basicACF
# Load package

# Set seed for reproducibility

# Simulate 100 observation from a Gaussian white noise
Xt = gen_gts(100, WN(sigma2 = 1))

# Compute autocorrelation
acf_Xt = ACF(Xt)

# Plot autocorrelation
plot(acf_Xt, = FALSE)

## @knitr basicACF2

# Plot autocorrelation with confidence bands 

## @knitr simulationACF

# Number of Monte Carlo replications
B = 10000

# Define considered lag
h = 3

# Sample size considered
N = c(5, 10, 30, 300)

# Initialisation
result = matrix(NA,B,length(N))

# Set seed

# Start Monte Carlo
for (i in seq_len(B)){
  for (j in seq_along(N)){
    # Simluate process
    Xt = rnorm(N[j])
    # Save autocorrelation at lag h
    result[i,j] = acf(Xt, plot = FALSE)$acf[h+1]

# Plot results
par(mfrow = c(2,length(N)/2))
for (i in seq_along(N)){
  # Estimated empirical distribution
  hist(sqrt(N[i])*result[,i], col = "royalblue1", 
       main = paste("Sample size n =",N[i]), probability = TRUE,
       xlim = c(-4,4), xlab = " ")
  # Asymptotic distribution
  xx = seq(from = -10, to = 10, length.out = 10^3)
  yy = dnorm(xx,0,1)
  lines(xx,yy, col = "red", lwd = 2)

## @knitr RWsim
# In this example, we simulate a large number of random walks

# Number of simulated processes
B = 200

# Length of random walks
n = 1000

# Output matrix
out = matrix(NA,B,n)

# Set seed for reproducibility

# Simulate Data
for (i in seq_len(B)){
  # Simulate random walk
  Xt = gen_gts(n, RW(gamma = 1))
  # Store process
  out[i,] = Xt

# Plot random walks
plot(NA, xlim = c(1,n), ylim = range(out), xlab = "Time", ylab = " ")
color = sample(topo.colors(B, alpha = 0.5))
for (i in seq_len(B)){
  lines(out[i,], col = color[i])

# Add 95% confidence region
lines(1:n, 1.96*sqrt(1:n), col = 2, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
lines(1:n, -1.96*sqrt(1:n), col = 2, lwd = 2, lty = 2)

## @knitr dist_null_portmanteau

# set seed

# Specify models
model = WN(sigma2 = 1) # WN

B = 1000 # number of parametric bootstrap
BP.obs = rep(NA, B)
LB.obs = rep(NA, B)

for (j in seq_len(B)){
  x = gen_gts(1000, model)
  BP.obs[j] = Box.test(x, lag = 10, "Box-Pierce", fitdf = 0)$statistic
  LB.obs[j] = Box.test(x, lag = 10, "Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0)$statistic

sim_results = data.frame(sim = c(BP.obs, LB.obs),
                         simtype = c(rep("Box-Pierce",B), rep("Ljung-Box",B)))

ggplot(data = sim_results, aes(x = sim)) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density.., fill = simtype),
                 binwidth = 1, color = "black") +
  stat_function(fun = dchisq, args = list(df = 10)) +
  facet_wrap( ~ simtype) + ylim(0, 0.12) + 
  labs(fill = "Statistic", title = "Histogram of the Observed Test Statistics",
       y = "Density", x = "Observed Test Statistic")

## @knitr alternatives_port
# set seed

# Specify models
model1 = WN(sigma2 = 1)                         # WN
model2 = AR(phi = 0.3, sigma2 = 1)              # AR(1)
model3 = AR(phi = c(rep(0,9), 0.3), sigma2 = 1) # seasonal AR(10)

B = 1000 # number of parametric bootstrap
LB.pvalue = matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = 6)

for (i in 1:3){
  for (j in seq_len(B)){
    x = gen_gts(1000, get(paste0("model", i)))
    LB.pvalue[j,2*i-1] = Box.test(x, lag = 1, "Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0)$p.value
    LB.pvalue[j,2*i] = Box.test(x, lag = 10, "Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0)$p.value

para_1 = data.frame(lag = 1, LB.pvalue[, c(1,3,5)])
para_2 = data.frame(lag = 2, LB.pvalue[, c(2,4,6)])
para = rbind(para_1, para_2)

colnames(para)[2:4] = c("WN", "AR(1)", "Seasonal AR(10)")

para.melt = melt(para, id.vars = "lag")

ggplot(data = para.melt, aes(x=variable, y=value)) + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill=factor(lag))) + facet_wrap( ~ variable, scales="free") +
  ggtitle("Simulated P-value") +
  scale_fill_hue(name="Specified m", breaks = c(1,2) , labels = c("m=1", "m=10"))
SMAC-Group/TTS documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:15 a.m.